Monday, January 28, 2013

A great day at work, you know how it is... Everything seems to line up just right, or maybe it's just you do not care. But however it comes, when you leave work and turn around, you feel it. You just know you did a good job today!

I think the attitude you take into work has as much to do with it as anything. Lately I've been of the mind that whether you worry or not the future will happen. So much of my life has been wasted trying to control things. I am convinced that worrying is just another attempt to control things. When you look at the people who are remembered for being great human beings, it's like they never worried. They seem so peaceful as if they could float away on their smile. They never worry or get pissed off because someone cut them off in a parking lot and took their parking spot. They just sit there smiling taking it all in. I wonder what they are smiling about? Maybe they are the ones cutting me off in the parking lot and taking my parking space. I wonder how much they'd be frickin smiling if I keyed their car...

But I am above all of that now, sitting in my home with the one I love, sipping a glass of wine. Life can be so hard it's kind of like golf for me, where 98% of the shots make you wonder why you play the stupid game. But it always happens every game, either a putt or a long drive right down the center of the fairway. You turn around and you feel it, you know you did a good job. Tchau!

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